Still and Steady

Book Binding: Create Organized, and Professional-Looking Documents

There are several methods of binding books. The German method, called Broschuren, is perhaps the most popular. This technique consists of gluing with adhesives a single section of the pamphlet to a larger, thicker textblock. Both methods can result in simple, functional bindings. In many cases, these methods are less permanent than leather or parchment bindings. The Royal Dutch Library has published guidelines for the conservation of paper and...

House Painting: Transform a Boring Room Into A Beautiful Space

You can paint your house in a variety of colors. You can choose from warm, cool, and monochromatic hues. Consider painting accent walls to add visual interest to the room. Ceilings can also benefit from a paint refresh. Consider the following tips for a stunning finish. Just because it is a neutral color doesn't mean you can't mix and match the shades to match any décor. Here are some of the most popular colors for house painting. Professional...